What is a White Label Casino?

What is a White Label Casino?

A white label casino is an online casino or betting website built on a ready-to-use solution that enables operators to launch their own branded online casino. This solution is crafted by specialised white label casino providers who tailor the platform to meet the operator's needs, including a unique brand identity with a custom logo and a dedicated domain. To the end user, it presents itself as a wholly independent operation, indistinguishable from a casino built from the ground up.

How it Works

The operation of a white label casino is akin to a turnkey project in the construction industry, where the foundation and framework are already in place, and the client needs to personalise the finishing touches. In the iGaming industry, this translates to a streamlined process for rapid deployment and market entry.

Here's a detailed breakdown of how it works:

Core Platform: A robust and scalable gaming platform is at the heart of a white label online casino. White label casino providers develop and maintain this foundational technology, ensuring stability, security, and a high-quality gaming experience.

Game Selection: A diverse library of casino games is essential for any successful online casino. The provider handles white label casino game development, aggregating various games from renowned developers, including slots, table games, live dealer games, and more. This curated selection ensures that players can access both popular and niche games, catering to a broad audience.

Payment Integration: A white label gambling site must offer secure and versatile payment options. The provider integrates multiple payment processing systems, allowing for transactions in various currencies and often including support for cryptocurrencies. This seamless integration provides players with a smooth deposit and withdrawal experience.

Customer Support: Our customer support is connected to a sophisticated CRM system. This system helps us provide excellent support by carefully tracking all important information. Our goal is to quickly and effectively meet customer needs and create a smooth and satisfying user experience.

Branding and Marketing: Operators receive a customisable front-end template, which they can tailor to reflect their unique brand identity. This includes the website's look and feel, logo, and other branding elements. Marketing tools and support are also provided, enabling operators to execute powerful campaigns to attract and retain players.

Legal and Compliance: Navigating the legal landscape of online gambling can be complex. White label gambling platforms benefit from operating under the provider's gaming licence, simplifying legal compliance and regulatory adherence for the operator.

Continuous Updates and Maintenance: The iGaming industry is dynamic, with new trends and technologies emerging regularly. White label providers ensure the casino platform is up-to-date with the latest features and security measures, offering ongoing maintenance and updates.

By leveraging a white label solution, operators can bypass the extensive time and resource investment required to develop an online casino from scratch. Instead, they can focus on defining their brand and driving traffic to their new white label online casino, while experienced providers manage the intricate technical details.

White Label Business Model Explained

The white label business model in the iGaming industry is a symbiotic system designed to benefit both the service provider and the operator. At its core, it's a partnership where the provider offers a comprehensive package that includes the gaming platform and a range of associated services necessary for running an online casino. This package typically involves a one-time setup fee for creating and customising the website, which is then branded with the operator's chosen identity, including a unique domain, logo, and design. Following the setup, the operator incurs ongoing operational costs, which cover the essentials such as game licensing from top-tier providers, payment processing systems to handle transactions, customer support teams to assist players and technical infrastructure for server hosting and maintenance. Additionally, marketing and promotional activities are crucial for attracting and retaining players, and these, too, can be part of the operational expenses.

A vital aspect of the white label model is the revenue sharing agreement, where the operator pays a percentage of their earnings—often calculated from the Gross Gaming Revenue (GGR)—to the service provider. This fee compensates the provider for using their platform, ongoing technical support, and, sometimes, for using their gaming licence. In some cases, providers may offer the option of a fixed monthly fee instead of, or in addition to, revenue sharing, providing more predictability in costs for the operator. This model allows for rapid market entry with significantly reduced upfront costs compared to developing a casino from scratch. It makes it an attractive option for those looking to enter the iGaming market with a limited budget or for established businesses aiming to expand their portfolio quickly and efficiently.

White Label vs. Standalone Casino

Choosing between a white label and a standalone casino is a pivotal decision that can shape the trajectory of an iGaming business. A white label casino is akin to renting a storefront, where the infrastructure, branding, and operational tools are provided, allowing for a focus on customer acquisition and market growth. In contrast, a standalone casino is like building a property from the ground up, offering a blank canvas that demands a significant investment of time, capital, and expertise but yields a unique product tailored to precise specifications. The decision hinges on factors such as the desired level of control, budget constraints, and the urgency of market entry. Operators must weigh the convenience and support of white label solutions against the autonomy and potential long-term benefits of building a standalone casino.

A Comparative Analysis

Initial Setup
Operational Control
Time to Market
Revenue Sharing
Legal and Compliance
Market Entry
White Label Solution
Lower cost, faster setup with pre-made solutions.
Limited control, dependent on the provider's infrastructure.
Standardised options with some branding capabilities.
Operates under a sub-license, quicker to start.
Quicker launch due to pre-built infrastructure.
Typically higher fees to cover provider costs.
Handled by the provider, less hassle for the operator.
Ideal for newcomers and those with limited resources.
Standalone Solution
Higher cost, time-intensive, fully customised.
Full control over all aspects of operations.
Fully customizable to operator specifications.
Requiring a full licence can be a long process.
Longer time to market due to bespoke development.
No revenue sharing, but higher upfront and ongoing costs.
The operator's responsibility, requiring legal expertise.
Suited for experienced operators with specific visions.

Costs of Starting a White Label Casino

The financial commitment to start a white label casino is multifaceted, encompassing initial and ongoing expenditures. The initial costs are relatively contained, covering website customisation, branding, and necessary software integration. The ongoing costs are more dynamic, involving payments to game providers, transaction handling, customer support, and the maintenance of technical infrastructure. Marketing efforts, crucial for the casino's visibility and player engagement, also represent a significant portion of the budget. While these costs are generally lower than those associated with developing a standalone casino, they require careful planning and management to ensure the business remains profitable under the revenue-sharing model that is typical of white-label arrangements.

Breaking Down the Investment

  • Initial Investment: Website setup, branding, and gaming content integration.
  • Recurring Expenses: Game providers, payment processing, customer service, server maintenance, and regulatory compliance.
  • Marketing Budget: Essential for player acquisition and retention.

The Advantages of White Label Solutions

White label solutions offer many advantages, particularly for those new to the iGaming industry or looking to expand their presence with minimal risk. These solutions provide a fast track to market entry, bypassing the complex and often lengthy process of developing a platform and obtaining a gaming licence. They also offer flexibility and scalability, which are essential in the dynamic iGaming environment. With the provider's technical infrastructure and legal compliance, operators can channel their efforts into creating effective marketing strategies and enhancing user experience. This level of support and efficiency is invaluable, allowing operators to focus on building their brand and customer base in the competitive iGaming arena.

The white-label model is particularly advantageous for sure market entrants:

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Reduces the need for a large upfront investment.
  2. Quick Market Entry: Shortens the time from concept to launch.
  3. Simplified Operations: With the provider handling much of the backend, operators can focus on growth.
  4. Legal and Financial Infrastructure: The provider manages licensing and payment processing complexities.


For a successful launch, it is crucial to choose the innovative software provider. Developers working closely with operators will facilitate a swift entry into the iGaming industry. This collaboration will enhance competitiveness. Right partner ensures fast launch and the ability to improve and grow the platform over time. Software providers like NetworX can easily add new tools and integrations to keep the casino dynamic and competitive in a changing industry.